Monday, October 19, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

First of all, since I am a mom that is totally on top of fashion, and my children only go out in the best, I would never ever even think to let my little girl go to church like this.

This week, after I had all the cloth diapers in the wash, and no disposables in the house, I most certainly would never put a bathroom hand towel on Elyana as a diaper just to buy some time. That just wouldn't be sanitary. And of course I would never take a picture of it either.

When it snows for the first time, I would never let my two children go out and play in what was more mud than snow. Just to get some peace.

I would never let my children make their own BBQ Chicken Pizza's on homemade tortilla shells, because if I did, there would be BBQ Sauce and cheese all over everything, including the floor, and would just make more work for me.

Hope your Monday's are as good as mine! :)


  1. ooh I want some bbq chicken pizza! yum!

    You are very talented to be able to make a diaper out of anything mama!! ;)

  2. hehe Thanks Lucie! the bbq chicken was actually really good! :)
    Thank you. I don't always feel very talented but I try! lol :)


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