Monday, October 26, 2009

Not Me Monday

Yay! It's Monday Morning, the morning created by MckMama to share the things that we would otherwise be too ashamed to admit to!

So, I did not sit in my pj's almost every morning this week, drink two cups of coffee and play on the internet while cleaning, and sewing new curtains. I also would never let Elyana choose to wear pullups just because they tend to be easier than the cloth diapers I wash every day.

I would never ever sit here on a Monday morning, in my pj's, with coffee eating chips and salsa for breakfast when I should be getting dressed, clipping coupons, doing school with the kids, and sewing curtains and diapers! No way, because I am always on the ball, I never ever procrastinate.
So participate if you want!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Busy Fall

It has been a very busy fall for us so far. Canning, freezing, sewing, playdates, Mops, church, growth group.
Too many things to name I think. Trying to keep up with the day to day chores are just that. Chores. It is a never ending battle, that sometimes I feel like I am waging on my own. Steve does help when he gets a chance to. Laundry never seems to end, of course it doesn't help to have to babysit the dryer to make sure that the door stays closed! hehe
I have made the decision though that no matter what, I am going to try to really cherish these years while they are here. This age is so important and fun. All the time spent trying to keep the house "perfect" takes away from important time that could be spent reading/playing with the children, teaching them things, and learning from them. Loving them. So, as I embark on this quest to try to build a better/closer relationship with my children, and learn more about what makes them tick, and what discipline works better with each one, I ask for prayers. Because we all know that as soon as we make decisions to do the right thing, the devil comes in to try to ruin everything. We fight spiritual battles that many times we do not really realize are spiritual battles. I am going to don the armor of God. I know that through God's strength I can do what needs to be done! I'm sure I will find that as I do this, the house will also stay picked up better! Because I will be concentrating on what God wants me to instead of what I want to.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

First of all, since I am a mom that is totally on top of fashion, and my children only go out in the best, I would never ever even think to let my little girl go to church like this.

This week, after I had all the cloth diapers in the wash, and no disposables in the house, I most certainly would never put a bathroom hand towel on Elyana as a diaper just to buy some time. That just wouldn't be sanitary. And of course I would never take a picture of it either.

When it snows for the first time, I would never let my two children go out and play in what was more mud than snow. Just to get some peace.

I would never let my children make their own BBQ Chicken Pizza's on homemade tortilla shells, because if I did, there would be BBQ Sauce and cheese all over everything, including the floor, and would just make more work for me.

Hope your Monday's are as good as mine! :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I didn't not take my medication that I am supposed to be taking (for 2-3 wks) for a week just so I could have sugar.

I also did not take my 4 children that are all under 4 to the store at 7:30 last night and let the three oldest spend a dollar on anything they wanted. They chose candy. I did not while I was there, get a 16oz can of Dr Pepper, a regular sized three musketeers, and a 16 oz of Mt Dew and consume all of them that night before bed! I would never do that because I am too conscious about the effects that that would have on my body, and on all of our dental health.

I am never too tired to get up with the babies so I just bring them both into bed with us when they wake up so that it will be easier and I will get more sleep. Not Me!

I also never turn on movies for entertainment so that I can get just a few more things done, even if it is past their bedtime. I also never forget to brush their teeth or am too lazy to do it before they go to bed.

And I would never ever ever go out in public in pj's and hair not brushed but twisted up in a pony, and no shower just because I needed to get some stuff done!

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Photographer I am NOT!

A photographer I am not! Oh how I would love to be though. I love good photography. There are a couple that I follow. How I wish we could afford to have them do our family photos.
I do not have photo shop. Man do I wish I did sometimes though! Who am I kidding? I still have diapers to sew, shelves to make, knitting to do, curtains to make, and school for the kiddos! I barely take time to update our blog, let alone sit down and try to fix my amateur photography (if we could call it that). I do however, love to take pictures! So, I have quite a few to share.
We did apple pie filling earlier this week, as a family. We had a blast! As soon as I brought the camera out, Michael walked his walker right in front of me and cheezed it up! Hmm...

Everyone got to take turns turning the peeler, which was given to me when I worked at a restaurant in Michigan by one of our regular coffee drinkers!

Of course it was a little slow going with the children, so Steve had to get in there and do a few fast ones so that he could core them.

And then Michael was still following me trying to get in the picture! No, I am not making that up!

Here's what the filling looks like so far.08.jpg" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5388200338324055746" border="0">

Elyana got in trouble. Hehe so I think it was a little mean to take a picture, but in all fairness, I was taking a picture of Gabe doing the peeler and this all happened at the same time.

She's running to me. She thinks I'll save her.Filling+011.jpg" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5388200836907252194" border="0">
Getting ready to go in the canner!

Here is the end result. We got 19 quarts, and now will be getting more apples to make more! Have to have enough for the winter time. We like to share also.

Now there's the clean up though. Some day I am going to take a picture of the kitchen right after it's been cleaned, so that I can show that yes, it does get cleaned! It's just that our cook comes in for breakfast lunch and dinner, and makes a terrible mess when she cooks!

Then there's my guys. :) Aren't they just handsome??

I got to go to the store the other day by myself. Steve showed me this when I got back .He said Michael was in there, just talking away, then he was quiet. Steve looked over, and Michael was in this position! He assured me that he hadn't had Michael in there for very long! Hehe

Then I was cleaning the kitchen last night, and didn't hear Michael for a while. Steve said the show must have been boring. :" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5388201222419658322" border="0">

I love it, Michael is a daddy's boy, and get's so excited to see his daddy. I just love this photo of them.
So now that I've shown you some photos, I must go get some shut eye. Our little angels have not been sleeping well. Teeth, and Michael is still waking up coughing. If you think about it, pray for him would you? I've been keeping in touch with the phone nurse, and I'm going to give it a bit more time as they said the cough can hang on for about 2-3 wks, but if he has a really hard time breathing, we will take him in to make sure it is nothing more.

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